Lady K's blog

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Movie review: Seven Pounds

I first heard of this movie in Barbara Walters’ show, 10 most fascinating people on 2008, since Will Smith was amongst the top ten list. His words about the movie made me want to watch it so bad. He talked about redemption, and the search of the truth. I had so much hope when i went to see the movie.

After seeing it, I feel that it was over rated. He is a good movie, but not for me. I was a little bit disappointed because I was waiting for more than what I got. The Ben Thomas’ attitude was too negative. He changed other people’s lives but not his. He helped them live happier but made himself miserable.

The end was not expected for me, I thought he would find what he was looking for and live not so happy, but at least live. A part of me though like the suicide scene, I know I’m weird.

The quality of the movie was undeniable. I liked the scenes were messed up from the beginning and then end, that made people wonder what will happen. Will Smith was mastering the role; he is always proving that he is always a great actor.
I would recommend the movie, but just don’t have your hopes high.

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